My three main men from Collectormania 18

My three main men from Collectormania 18

Thursday 17 November 2011

First, there was the beginning...

Okay.  So I've been wanting to blog for sometime now but never got around to creating one. Then after reading a friends blog today it inspired me to get on here and be creative.  And here's the result.

I've called this my Spiritual Search as it just sounded right but this blog isn't going to be all esoteric.  I want to share with you my thoughts and feelings as I progress on my Spiritual path wherever this may lead.  But I will also speak about anything interesting in my day and rant on about things that bug me...though I hope this won't be that often.

For those who know me I am an extreme mishmash of many interests which would take too long to describe in one post or even in an 'About me' for those who don't know on...and I hope you like what you read.

I think I will close this post and keep it as a introduction before I start telling you about my hopes for the future.

I hope you come back to

Love and Light and take care xxx

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