My three main men from Collectormania 18

My three main men from Collectormania 18

Wednesday 11 July 2012

....a quickie (no, not like that)

Ok, off to bed soon but I'm just had to come on here as I really want to maintain my 'at-least-once-a-week' attempt at blogging.

Kittens. Since my last post and my divine inspiration my kitten is indeed now called 'Angel'. She is actually Angel Crystal Uhura Le Heuze. Angel and Crystal are self-explanatory....interests of mine. Uhura was inspired by my meeting with Nichelle Nichols and the 'tear-in-the-eyes' moment during her talk about Dr Martin Luther King. It really made my weekend at the convention but I will write about that in a dedicated blog about Collectormania 18, 2012.

We did go to 'The West Show' on the Sunday. We didn't go together as a family on the saturday but the weather was so bad maybe that was a good thing. Chayton and I went on the Sunday afternoon. But before that we went to the kid's Aunty Joy's 50th birthday Meal at Corbiere Phare. Chay had already been picked up and then I was given a lift by my friend Danielle who also happens to be the Mum of Chay's good mate Noah, who came with us. After the meal our friend Jill picked up myself, Chayton and Noah and we went to West Show just in time for the Horse stunt show which I was especially excited about. But it was cancelled because of the state of the field, ripped up by the tractors and muddified by the rain and soil.  Wow, I've never been to a festival but can kind of understand what they're like now. I wore flipflops on purpose as I didn't want to wreck any shoes or boots (don't have wellies) and the flipflops are easy to clean. Wow...I'm surprised I stayed upright..with great difficulty. I was slipping all over the place but not just the soles of my shoes in the mud...but also slipping my feet from the shoes. squelchy...but quite nice. lol. I kept reminding people that some spend a fortune for expensive mud treatments. The smell of manure was off putting though...not knowing what we were standing in lol. But you can wash your feet so...oh well.

We watched the Terrier racing and the kids had a go. Some parents didn't let their kids have a go for fear of their clothes I'm sure but I just enjoyed the look on the kids faces....the sooooooo enjoyed it and what's a bit of mud compared to the joy of our children.  I have them on video.

We then watched the Dancing Diggers. The were ok....I personally found it a bit boring....and the loud loud bangs from there special effect explosions scared the bejesus out of me. Didn't enjoy that part. And then we squelched our way back to the car, via the candyfloss stall of course.

This on Monday to make up for missing Wednesday. Then again on Tuesday. Today was our 'Building Blocks' course run by Sally of 'Work Matters'. Found it quite interesting actually. Back again tomorrow morning. That reminds me...haven't done my homework for that. Ooops. Will do it now before bed.

So much for a short post lol.

Until next time folks xxx

Love and Light xxx

Thursday 5 July 2012

Then there was the much delayed second day...

Ok, so I think the format will change day to day, whether it be thoughts, rants, daily diaries or spiritual insights.

I have also experienced in the past that I don't always get online regular enough to post a daily blog so I hope to at least to a weekly update if I haven't said anything each day.

The perfect example of this is that this specific post, or at least the first line of it, was actually started the day after my introduction. So that goes to show that I haven't maintained my blogger since then.

So here's my attempt to actually write something about recent events.

About a week ago me and Cara got new kittens. Beautiful Tortoiseshell sisters. Cara named her's 'Lucifer' or Lucy for short. I know that sounds strange but she wanted to find an angel name (too much Supernatural on tv I think) and she also see's it as rather ironic as her baby has a little heart shape on the top of her head. I'm still not 'feeling' a name for mine. I have a few that I like and have asked people's opinions on facebook. I quite liked Akasha but not quite happy with it. Other options are Isis, Willow, Chakra, Spirit, that I've just typed them out on here I'm liking Angel even more. Hmmmmmm.

There was a Major fire fairly close here in Jersey yesterday. I had been out with Chayton's class to the museum as they've been learning about the Battle of Jersey. We were on the coach going back to school and I'd asked to be dropped off near my work as I was due in for training (had missed the morning session due to schools insistence that if I didn't go with the class then Chay couldn't go on the trip). I remember on the coach one little boy mentioning a fire and his Mum responding with something to do with hoses or extinguishers but I'm sure they were speaking about a small house fire. Then as we rounded the corner near our local Co-op I contemplated getting off so I could go and buy some lunch but decided against it as I didn't want to be late to work. Turns out that the big fire was within a few feet of us as we turned that corner. It was the Jersey Gas' Gas Holder tank that was on fire so obviously it was declared a major incident and the area was evacuated. We could hear all the sirens over the course of the afternoon from our training room at work which is just down the road but missed the exclusion zone but small stretch of road. All rather exciting but also upsetting that anything could have happened.My family live within the evacuation area so had to stay in a hotel last night. 

Our Fire service used a controlled burn to prevent a gas cloud from occurring and eventually put the fire out around 5am this morning. A number of local schools and nurseries were closed today but eventually the exclusion zone was decreased from 400m to 100m though I don't know if my family are bank to their homes yet as they were directly adjacent to the fire zone. Come to think of it I think they may be home as I'm sure I saw a post on facebook with something to the effect.

This weekend me and the kids are going to a local event called the West Show. I've never been before but some of it sounds interesting. Chayton will love the Dancing Diggers from Diggerland, UK. I'm looking forward to the Rockin' Horse Productions (stunts on horseback). And of course we'll all enjoy the atmosphere as well as the Jersey Wonders and Candy Floss.

Can't think of anything else to write about so will sign off for now and hope to chat to you all again sometime soon

~*~Love and Light, Carina (StarJadzia)~*~